Christmas the Silly Season
When you’re a kid, Christmas can’t come quick enough. All you have to do is eat, sleep and await the man in red to laden beneath the Christmas tree an abundance of gifts that you’d spent months writing a list for.
We’d spend each year on my Grandparents farm with all the cousins, about 20, and camp out in the paddock. Christmas lunch was always a roast, one that you then spent the next 20 years trying to replicate. The smell and taste bringing back all those fond memories of chasing the cows, playing in the creek catching turtles and having your favourite Uncle sneak you beer… an occasion apparently my kids then cottoned onto a little too well…
For table decorations of candy canes and starlight mints, gifts of chocolate baskets or lolly bags for corporate Christmas parties, we have it all and can deliver right round Australia.
Purchase online or give me a call, I can help make this years Christmas party fun for everyone 🙂
Lollyworld specialise in a world of lollies, including Gift Boxes, Gluten Free Lollies, Wedding Lollies, Sugar Free Lollies and many more. Click here for a full list of products.
Contact Lollyworld today on (07) 3285 6559